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Feeling lost? You’re not alone. In fact, most people feel like they don’t know who they are or what their purpose is on Earth. But there is hope!

Start by asking yourself some questions.

If you are feeling lost, ask yourself these questions: Who am I? What do I believe? Where do I come from? Why am I here? What is my purpose? These questions will help you find answers to your questions about yourself.

You may feel lost for various reasons, such as losing a relationship, missed chances, or realizing that your life is not going in the path you had planned. Sometimes you don’t know why you feel lost, but you can’t eliminate the sensation of floating aimlessly from spontaneous activity to a random task.

There are numerous causes for feeling lost and innumerable approaches you might take to try to rediscover who you are.

Try these 7 tips o help you understand your situation and find.

What does ‘feeling lost’ mean?

Feeling lost could make you feel unmotivated and uninterested in your interests if you feel lost in life. You can feel “like life is meaningless” and lose sight of who you are.

According to Carolyn Ferreira, PsyD, a psychologist who helps individuals heal from trauma and addictions as well as restore relationships, feeling lost is a lot like being depressed.

To Danielle Kepler, a Chicago-based certified clinical professional counselor who specializes in helping individuals with anxiety, depression, and life transitions, as well as couples with relationship problems, you can also feel like you’ve lost sight of the person you want to be.

1. Start journaling your feelings.

If you keep a daily notebook, self-reflection will become your default setting. You begin to have the ability to see past your immediate responses to your underlying wants and emotions. 

Keeping a journal can also help you recognize your inner voice and separate it from the opinions of others whose approval you may seek.

If you’re unsure what style suits you best, try switching it up over a week and think about combining strategies. You’ll be making progress toward better self-knowledge if you keep a notebook.

2. Try Meditation

For some people, this could seem like a strange thought, but it works when learning to find yourself. Meditation has many known advantages, making it a valuable tool for discovering who you are. Nobody else will be able to enjoy time alone with you if you are unable to.

Through meditation, you can discover your thoughts and enjoy them. This is a terrific approach to making the most challenging choice you’ll ever have to make it appear easy. The murkiest routes in your life can be made clear via meditation.

3. Connect with nature

Some believe that being in nature brings out their purest selves. For one day, leave your phone at home and hit the trails. Bring a friend or your dog along. Take lunch along with you for a trek.

According to research, people with stronger connections to nature tend to be happier overall and more inclined to believe that their lives are valuable. Nature can inspire good feelings, including serenity, joy, and creativity. It can also help people focus.

Get outside and take in the fresh air whether you go alone or with companions.

4. Speak to your inner child

Many of us experience a sense of being lost or feeling unfulfilled at various stages in our lives. It’s worthwhile investing some time to identify your purpose, a path that truly means something to you, instead of accepting that you are entirely lost. Recognize what inspires you and matters to you.

Childhood is more than just a source of nostalgia. According to best-selling author Robert Greene, it may hold the key to our adult happiness. Therapists delve into it to help us understand how we got to be the way we are.

5. Get out of your comfort zone

It’s time to experiment and meet new individuals in an uncomfortable environment. By remaining in your familiar, comfortable cocoon, growth cannot occur. 

Try to push yourself to accomplish something that is both energizing and mildly unsettling. I prefer to refer to it as the zone. It’s the area where you are just straining yourself enough to keep evolving and growing. 

What sprung into your head initially, exactly? Do that now!

6. Reach out for help

There are countless individuals worldwide whose mission is to support people like you. Reach out and request assistance. You don’t have to figure things out on your own, and often just talking to someone might give you the knowledge you need to proceed without difficulty.

 Ask for assistance and be receptive to the advice and resources provided, whether from a life coach, mentor, friend, or therapist. 

7. Have a change of scenery

Discover the world, whether it’s a day trip, a solo retreat, or a week-long drive along the coast. Not only will you be able to access the flow, but you’ll also have the space and time to properly re-establish contact with yourself. 

You’ll be able to see and feel the world with new eyes since you’ll be removed from the distractions of everyday life. We guarantee that you will be far more confident of your direction when you return than when you first set off.

Is losing yourself normal?

Of course, this is normal! It’s entirely normal to feel lost in life. You shouldn’t have to know your destination always; you’ll work it out when the time comes.

Not to suggest you shouldn’t be looking because looking is such a rewarding endeavor. It’s okay to linger in this stage for a while, though, as it’s an enjoyable one to be in.

And it’s okay if you get temporarily thrown off the route. Even though it’s a great shock, nothing terrible has happened. You’ll discover what occurs next.

What is impostor syndrome?

Impostor syndrome means you do not deserve your position at work or are not qualified. Another misconception is that everyone around you always knows what they’re doing, is confident in their ability to do their responsibilities without getting lost and that only those who are in charge at all times can produce the finest work.

Sings you’ve lost ‘The Real You.

woman wearing black camisole
Photo by Engin Akyurt on
People pleasing: 

We all seek to win over the people around us because we are social beings. However, when you’ve lost yourself, you continue to do so even if you should be more concerned with pleasing yourself.

Overly apologizing: 

This type of behavior is incredibly typical of people who have lost themselves. Even though you know you have done nothing wrong, you beg for pardon. You are aware that your behavior was appropriate. Nevertheless, you cannot argue your case because of your fear of confrontation, disapproval, and abandonment.

Constantly complaining:

 Someone who complains could have a positive self-image and can communicate their desires. Complaining is not the same as aggressive communication, though. It is appropriate to express your thoughts and needs calmly and courteously. On the other hand, when your relationships are based on constantly asking others to meet your needs, something is wrong.

Putting yourself last:

 A major red flag that you are losing touch with your actual self is when you find yourself doing everything you detest. What does it say about your mental health if you’ve decided to undertake something you hate doing completely? Instead, give in to what your heart truly desires in life. Find the activities you enjoy and be grateful that you were able to discover them in the first place. You will be in a completely different frame of mind if you do.

What to do when feeling lost in a career?

thoughtful businesswoman taking notes in notebook in bright office
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

We advise anyone currently feeling lost to embrace the emotion rather than run from it. When you start to feel lost, it is a good indication since it will cause you to think about why you are feeling lost and how to get over it. 

Here are a few ideas we’ve found helpful for those feeling stuck in their profession and needing to clear their head and gain some new perspective.

1. Refine your skills

If there is anything you don’t understand, ask them to explain it or ask them to walk you through how they do their tasks. 

You can search online for articles, videos, or web classes to deepen your education. If you can’t afford an online course, look for a free podcast or lecture.

2. Acknowledge your strengths

There are some things you do well, which is why you were employed. You might excel as a communicator, marketer, leader, or writer. 

Whatever your top talents are, your employer knows that, in specific capacities, you are on par with or even superior to your coworkers. 

Reminding yourself of your strengths can be beneficial when you’re feeling insecure.

3. Create a plan to succeed 

Before starting work or a project, figuring out a step-by-step process can assure you that you know what purpose each stage in your process serves.

 It also provides you with a paper you can consult if you ever get lost again. A plan can also serve as a reminder of the steps you already know how to complete successfully and can help you get ready for the phases for which you might want assistance by letting you know what to anticipate and when.

4. Observe a colleague

Watch what your coworkers are doing. Pay attention to the actions you admire, then try to carry out your work similarly. 

You can learn how to complete your duties and gain the confidence to complete your projects in the future by making an effort to mimic practical work.

Keep an eye on how your coworkers conduct themselves as well. They probably have similar problems to you, so by listening to them, you can figure out how to handle your own.

How to avoid losing self in a relationship.

man and woman near grass field
Photo by Văn Thắng on

Everyone has witnessed this before. A person you know enters a relationship, and they are hardly recognizable before long. Their appearance, behavior, and perhaps even speech are distinct. The core of who they were has been lost, even though the changes may not be inherently harmful. 

Do you have a friend like this? Unfortunately, you might be experiencing it right now. Fortunately, you may make minor adjustments to prevent losing yourself in your relationship and rediscover who you are.

1. Stay true to yourself. 

Strive to preserve a strong sense of independence and autonomy as well as a well-developed point of view if you want to be a better person and a decent partner in your relationship. 

With this ongoing objective, you can keep developing and enhancing your qualities and behavior that mirror your values and interests. 

You need to be careful in your relationship not to look for someone to fill in the gaps in your identity or to define or affirm you.

2. Support partner’s individuality 

Respect your partner by supporting their particular interests and objectives, regardless of your own. Be considerate of your partner’s needs, wants, and feelings, and accord them the same value as yours. This kind of affection and interest for your partner is unselfish and transcends whatever self-centered or self-interested worries you may have.

This level of regard requires empathy and compassion for your partner. This entails observing and virtually experiencing your loved one’s personality utilizing your intellect, emotions, and intuition.

3. Check-in with yourself

We advise checking in with oneself regularly to stay connected. Consider asking yourself, ‘What are my needs? ” and “Am I content?” may help you track how you are doing, both as a partner in the relationship and as an individual. 

You can protect your individuality and ensure you get what you need and value from your relationship by checking in with yourself.

It’s advised that you take care of your relationship with yourself to be present in your marriage. Before you can truly understand and know who you are as a person, with or without your significant other, you can be a partner to them.

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